Management and Governance Framework

Management of the Fund
The Fund is managed by a Board of Trustees, “the Trustees”. The Trustees have a duty to act with due care, diligence and in good faith and to act in the best interests of the Fund. They must exercise a higher degree of care and diligence in managing the affairs of the Fund than they would in managing their own affairs. It is vital that the Trustees act impartially and take all reasonable steps to ensure that the interests of all members are always protected.
In terms of the registered Rules, the Board of Trustees is constituted as follows:
- Four Sponsor Trustees, three appointed by the Law Society of South Africa (“LSSA”) and one appointed by the General Council of the Bar (“GCB”); and
- Two Alternate Sponsor Trustees, one appointed by the Law Society of South Africa (“LSSA”) and one by the General Council of the Bar (“GCB”); and
- Four Independent Trustees, professionals who are not employed by any service provider or any of the employers that participate in the Fund. These Trustees are appointed for their skills and experience.

Rules of the Fund
The registered Rules of the Fund are binding on the Fund, its management and members, other officers, and any other person who claims under the Rules of the Fund. The Fund has one set of registered Rules that apply to all participating employers. The registered Rules and Amendments are included below:
Download Amendment 1
Download Amendment 2
Download Amendment 3

Governance Framework
The Trustees are required to manage the Fund in compliance with the registered Rules and all applicable law. Not all governance principles are set out in law and therefore the Trustees have developed a governance framework to guide their management and oversight responsibilities. The following policies are included in this governance framework:
- Code of Conduct
- Complaints Management Policy
- Communication and Crisis Communication Policy
- Delegation of Authority Policy
- Governance Statement
- Investment Policy Statement and Annuity Strategy Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Expense Policy
- Unclaimed Benefits and Tracing Policy
- Procurement Policy
- POPIA Compliance:
- Roles of Principal Officer / Deputy Principal Officer
- Role and Election of Chair Policy
- Trustee Remuneration Policy
- Trustee Training Policy.
■ Roles and Responsibilities of the Information Officer
■ Privacy Policy
These policies can be accessed by following the process as set out in the PAIA manual. The PAIA manual is available under the Communication tab.